LOVE STORM Read online

Page 6

  "Oh, Raoul, Raoul," she murmured between kisses. Through the mist of feelings she tried to surface. "Not now, Raoul, not now. We mustn't. PJ--"

  His reply was to silence her with a renewed onslaught on her willing mouth. As she struggled against him, he lifted his head and she could see a smoldering within his dark grey eyes that had long been dormant.

  The front door slammed. The sound of little feet running through the house and the delighted cry of "Hello Uncle Luke" made the two adults spring apart.

  "Oh, my God." With her face flaming, Kris turned to fumble among the tea and cups.

  Raoul was rigid, and in an instant, a hard expression closed over his rounded features. Under his breath he muttered, "What the hell? He has a key?" He strode angrily into the lounge.

  The two men faced each other. Surprise covered Luke's face, but Raoul looked angry. "I must be off," he snarled at Kris. "Forget the tea." Picking up PJ, he carried her to the door. The harsh lines around his mouth smoothed out into a gentle smile. He softened his tone before he spoke to his daughter. "Be a good girl and have a lovely party with your friends. I'll see you when you get home." Before she could say anything, the set her down and closed the door behind him.

  "What the hell was that all about?" Luke asked, but seeing Kris' stricken face, he carried on quickly. "I had no idea you were even in town or I would have phoned. Marie Louise is leaving tomorrow and I planned to bring a few things around to put on ice for this evening." He indicated a bulging brown paper packet.

  With an effort to stop herself from crying with frustration at the intrusion, she went back into the kitchen. "Tea's ready. You'll have a cup, won't you?"

  Luke was contrite. "It's my fault. I never even thought about letting you know I was coming, which was silly of me. After all, I could have made a right mess for you just pitching up."

  "Your unexpected visit is fine, Luke. It's PJ's birthday and I needed a bit of a break. Lauren wanted me to go out with her and some of our friends tonight, so we arrived yesterday. Raoul spent time with PJ today, then took us out to lunch."

  Luke moved closer to her as she spoke. When Kris fell silent, he whispered, "I had forgotten the birthday."

  He drew out his wallet and called PJ to his side. He solemnly wished her a happy birthday and presented her with several crisp notes. He urged her to have Kris take her shopping for anything that she wanted. They laughed and PJ gave him a big hug. Then they started to chat excitedly about her day.

  With the little embarrassment over, Luke had his own news to tell. And, of course, the implication of Marie Louise's departure on a so-called holiday was not lost on Kris. She was so delighted for her friend, she put her hands on his shoulders then kissed him lightly.

  The irony of the situation made her smile faintly -- kissing two men in twenty minutes, in the same kitchen; oh, but how different the reasons.

  "PJ and I will sleep over at Lauren's. We are going over there shortly anyway, and I'm sure she won't mind. One of her friends is babysitting for us while a crowd of us go out, so staying over is not a problem. Probably better, actually, as PJ's sleep won't have to be disturbed."

  "Are you sure, Kris? Damn it, it is your flat, and I make use of it enough. I feel bad moving you out like this."

  "Don't be silly. I guess this is a rather special night for you, huh?" She gave him a roguish smile. "Let me go and get our things together quickly."

  As they were about to leave he said, "I'm not too busy at lunchtime tomorrow. Why don't you and PJ have a pizza or something with me, and then we can go to the biggest toy shop in London where she can choose a proper present for herself."

  He poked PJ playfully in the ribs. "You'd like that, wouldn't you, Henny Penny? And you can keep the rest of money for later."

  PJ's exclamation of "Yipee!" had both adults in stitches.

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  Chapter Seven

  As Kris drove her little car along the wooded countryside near the old stone homestead, she took time to reflect on the events of the past few days. PJ slept curled in a ball-peacefully.

  The bitter sweetness of her first encounter with Raoul was remarkable. As she thought about it, her fingers rose to her lips as though to feel again the impression of his mouth on hers. Luke's untimely arrival left her frustrated, knowing she would've still been in Raoul's arms.

  Lauren had been delighted to have them for the night and, of course, had been itching to find out why. However, in fairness to Luke, Kris had not disclosed too much. The babysitter was already at the flat by the time they'd arrived, and PJ took to her immediately, regaling her with all the excitement of her birthday. For Kris, the pleasure of the evening had gone, and the laughing repartee of her friends gave her a headache.

  Under normal circumstances, she would have enjoyed the play, but because of her spoiled attitude, she felt that it was brittle and lacked substance. All she really wanted was for them to leave Lauren's flat so she could pull out the sleeper couch and turn out the light.

  The next day they met Luke, and enjoyed a pizza from what he called a gobble and go establishment. Then they took a taxi to Hamley's where PJ chose whatever she wanted. It had been fun seeing her run around with eyes as big as saucers, unable to decide what to buy.

  Finally, Luke made the decision for her. "You only turn six once you know, and that was how old I was when I got a bicycle. How about one of these?" Excited PJ tried several for size before finally settling on a beauty in green and gold.

  As they left the store, after arranging to have the item delivered to the flat, Luke said that he had to rush. He put an arm around her shoulders and kissed her on the cheek. Then he asked if they were all right to go home alone. As he did this she saw the sleek lines of Raoul's Porsche as it stopped at the traffic light, her gaze meeting his dark, brooding expression. Isabella waved gaily and called out to them. She's probably elated at the sight of Luke kissing me, she thought moodily.


  As they swung into the gravel driveway, they heard Jump barking madly in the backyard, intent on hurling himself upon them like a black and tan whirlwind once he got out. It was a great welcome, and Kris suddenly realised that she was in danger of becoming too comfortable here; she was already looking upon it as home.

  PJ wanted to try out the bike straight away, and having changed into jeans, they took the new machine onto the lawn. Running alongside PJ, trying to keep her upright, put roses into Kris' cheeks. When they finally gave up for the day she was tired, but feeling a little easier.

  Kris thought of the party to come, how great it would feel to give PJ a fun time with other children around. She was determined to make it a good day for PJ. She couldn't believe how the child had blossomed since Kris had arrived, and it was heart-warming to see how she enjoyed herself.

  Raoul phoned saying abruptly, "I won't be down for a while. My secretary will let you know the next date. May I speak to PJ, please?" Kris smarted under his rudeness.

  She felt pleased the weekend would be free and wondered if she should ask Lauren to come. Her friend's cheerful company would take her mind off herself. On the other hand, Lauren was too perceptive and outspoken, and right now she did not want any I-told-you-so's.


  Kris was sitting on the lawn with the dog beside her. They were both watching PJ intently as she rode her bike around the drive. Kris gave an involuntary start when her cell phone rang, and before she could speak, she heard the urgency in Luke's voice.

  "Kris? Hi, it's Luke. If PJ's there can you get her out of the way for a while? I have to talk to you." His voice was grave.

  "She's riding her bike. Whatever's the matter?"

  "Raoul has gone to Switzerland. Last night he heard his wife's condition has deteriorated and they don't think it will be much longer. Poor guy, he's taken it quite badly. It's been on the cards for sometime, but it was still a shock, I think. It will be a merciful release for her and then he'll be able to get on with h
is life, too. We are concluding a big deal in Greece and Philippe and Isabella are in Athens already. Raoul and I were supposed to fly this evening, but after the signing, we received an invite to sail around the islands in Aristotle Georgiadis' luxury yacht. With this new development, I don't know what will happen. I expect Raoul will have to come somehow because he is chief signatory." Luke paused a moment before saying, "I don't think you should say anything to PJ at this stage."

  Kris felt a surge of jealousy at the thought of lazy days on a yacht with a bikini-clad Isabella. She imagined that Isabella would be in her element, trying to console Raoul, a grieving man, hoping to snare him while at his most vulnerable.

  The tragic death of his wife was over within twenty-four hours. Luke had called to break the news to Kris only moments before Raoul phoned. He sounded terrible.

  "Hello, Kris. I think Luke phoned you, but I'm not sure if he told you not to say anything to PJ. I'm coming back tomorrow night after the funeral. I'll tell her myself. I've arranged for Luke to handle everything in Greece. I can't face cruising right now and feel I need a couple of days of quiet. Expect me when you see me as I'll probably have to be on standby at the airport." He rang off before she could ask if he would be alone, or if he needed her help.

  Around six-thirty the following evening, she heard the throb of his powerful car in the driveway. "He's here," she called, but stayed in the hall for him to greet PJ alone.

  Kris noticed how awful he looked after he entered the house, and she caught her breath in sympathy. His drawn face looked almost hawkish and his obviously broken heart made his tanned cheeks appear pale. His eyes hung heavily from lack of sleep. She stepped forward suppressing the sympathetic words she wanted to utter and, instead, greeted him with a smile. "You look as though a drink would be appreciated." He flashed a grateful look.

  "PJ, your daddy's very tired; he wants to sit down a while. Why don't you go and get yourself ready for bed, then you can come down and show him all your birthday presents from your party, okay?"

  PJ smacked her daddy's cheek with a wet kiss and ran off to do as Kris had asked.

  Kris gave him a stiff whisky, and said simply, "Raoul, I am so sorry. It must have been very hard for you." She expected some retort, or a hands-off reply.

  Instead, he said, "Thank you. It's certainly been that." He slumped heavily into an armchair, looking up at her dully. "I only wanted to come home, alone. It's okay if PJ stays up late tonight, I just want her around, right now. We can watch TV after supper, that way I don't have to think."

  Later, with PJ curled up on her father's lap -- a rare treat -- they sat and watched a western on the little screen. Kris could see that it hadn't taken his mind off things; his brooding eyes were far away, lost in a private world of memories.

  At the end of the show, she made them a hot drink. "Come on, PJ, off you pop. It is way past your bedtime. Raoul, would you mind putting her to bed? I'll tidy up down here. Goodnight, poppet." She kissed the top of the child's head, surprised at her own temerity.

  She busied herself needlessly in the lounge, listening for his tread as he came downstairs. She met him in the hall and bade him goodnight.

  He looked as if he was going to say something, but thought better of it and turned, going into his study.

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  Chapter Eight

  It was a warm night, almost too hot for this time of the year. Kris left the light off in her room off, but kept her curtains open, as the pale moonlight was enough for her to see. She showered, taking her time to enjoy the feeling of the cool water running onto her body, acutely aware that the sensation held more pleasure than normal, due to the dominant presence of the man downstairs. She thought about the evening she had spent alone in his company and the events surrounding him and wondered idly why he hadn't mentioned Isabella. Why wouldn't she be accompanying him when he suffered so?

  She put on her nightgown and lay on the top of the bed. When sleep finally came, it was fitful. About two in the morning, she woke again. She tossed and turned for a while, then stood by the open window that overlooked the lake, and drank a glass of water. She was wide awake now, and on impulse, decided to go for a walk. The grounds looked cool and inviting. Not bothering to put anything on underneath, she slipped on a loose Indian print, cotton dress and left her feet bare and her hair loose around her shoulders. She went downstairs and let herself out onto the veranda.

  Strolling by the lake, she enjoyed the water lapping around her ankles and her chaotic thoughts calmed after a while. She had been away about an hour when she crossed the lawn to the dark shadowy house. As she came near she noticed PJ's skipping rope, lying on the grass near the steps leading onto the balcony outside Raoul's suite. Silently she went over, but as she straightened from picking it up, she sensed movement on the veranda. She froze as Raoul stepped out of the shadows and stood facing her.

  He was about three feet away. She couldn't make out the expression on his shadowed face, but there was no mistaking the broad, hairy chest and muscular arms. He had on a kikoi -- a length of cotton material wrapped around the hips with the end tucked into the waist, meant to be a cool, unrestricting garment often adopted as sleeping attire by men who have lived in the tropics. The closeness of his masculinity made her shiver involuntarily, especially as she realised the near nakedness of her own body that was flimsily covered. She felt a debilitating weakness in her legs and when she heard his voice, low and hoarse, she could have cried out with the sheer agony of desire.

  "Kris...oh, Kris." He closed the gap between them, crushing her to him. The material was so thin it was as if she wore nothing at all as he felt her soft breasts flatten against his chest.

  His hands started roaming over her back as his fingers raked at the cloth, pulling it up until his hands were on her bare thighs, around to the front, over her flat stomach and onto the eager thrusting of her hardening nipples. The sheer passion of his kisses caused stifled moans to pour from the lips he parted with his own, triggering waves of fire to run through her veins. She lost all sense of coherence as his strong arms lifted her and carried her into the darkened bedroom.

  The cool surface of the cotton sheets on her back cleared her head slightly, and as Raoul pulled her dress up around her neck, she realised then that she was completely nude, exposed in the warm glow of moonlight. His breathing was harsh and fast, matching her own. Raoul was her employer. She knew this was all wrong, that she should struggle, but her inner self cried out to submit.

  Kris pushed away the voice of reason and accepted his domination, his touch causing her to moan and toss her head from side to side. The effect was electrifying, and it stimulated him into dizzying heights of sexual madness. The heavy movements of his body, as he lowered and dragged his erect member across her, unknotted the kikoi. His knees forced her legs to part and he thrust aggressively forward. The ultimate joining of their bodies was complete.

  Raoul wanted no gentle loving and began a violent attack on her senses, drawing moans and cries of intense pleasure from her lips. His hands did not caress her or initiate her passion, but his hard rocking motion was enough to toss her upward toward the illusive pinnacle she'd never quite reached.

  As his thrusting movements reached a crescendo, he lifted his mouth away from hers, his passionate cry of fulfillment echoing around the room. When his body was exhausted and slippery with sweat, he slumped heavily across her, placing his face in the hollow of her neck.

  Long lost sensations surged and raced through her body. Although she had desperately wanted his loving, his frantic onslaught had left her short of that elusive completion that her husband had so often used to taunt her. She lay unmoving and disappointed, her tears flowing silently.

  Feeling the shaking of her body, he instinctively knew the reason for her tears. With an angry curse, using words she never expected to hear from him, Raoul heaved himself away from her and pulled her to her feet.

  "Get out! Get out of her
e now!" He hurriedly straightened her dress and propelled her to the door, oblivious of his own nakedness. As she blindly made her way out, she was conscious of him leaning against the wall, beating it with the full force of his fist.

  She blundered up the stairs to her room, sobs wracking her body. What had upset him? Why make love to her then toss her away?

  She cried herself to sleep with gasping sobs.