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  Around three in the afternoon, she decided they'd had enough for one day and they wandered back through the firs to the house. As they came through the trees she saw, to her horror, a group of people chatting on the lawn. As her motley mob drew nearer, she realised with a sickening churn of her stomach that it was Raoul with his guests.

  Had she made some ghastly miscalculation of dates? Surely, they were not supposed to come until tomorrow. Before she could collect her thoughts, the puppy dashed for the group with PJ in hot pursuit, bursting to tell her daddy all about it. As he swung her high into the air, the dog managed to put its dirty paws on Isabella's immaculate white slacks.

  "What the hell is going on here?" She faced Kris angrily. "It looks like a home for waifs and strays and this..." She looked down in disgust, indicating the gamboling pup. "Did you know about this, Raoul?"

  To her surprise, he only laughed and said, "No, I didn't. But I think it's great. What's his name, PJ?"

  "His name is Jump, Daddy."

  He laughed and waited patiently until the little girl's torrent of laughter had subsided, then he turned to Kris. "I'm sorry I didn't warn you of the change of plans, but I know you are quite capable of coping, it was a spur of the minute thing." He laughed and at the same time, his eyes slowly looked her over from head to toe. She flushed under his gaze, little knowing he liked what he saw.

  A stranger in the party spoke up. "Don't worry about us. This is such a charming domestic scene." He indicated the children running about. Laughing he said, "Not the sort of picture you would imagine Raoul to be in, though." He stepped forward, and held out his hand. "I'm Jim Donelly. You must be Mrs. Castell -- your fame has gone before you. I am delighted to meet you. Old Raoul here decided we could conclude our business just as well here as in the city, and we have all heard about the place and its charming hostess, so who were we to argue?" With the tension broken, her poise -- pigtails and all -- returned.

  Most of the weekend preparations were finished, and their early arrival hadn't floored her. Showing everyone to their rooms, Kris told them tea would be on the veranda in half an hour. Raoul seemed content to stay in the garden with the chattering children while Isabella made her irritation quite clear by flouncing into her room and slamming the door.

  Kris took a hasty shower and put on a mint green linen frock with matching sandals. She dressed her hair in a loose coil at the nape of her neck, made up her face, and then went downstairs. She came face to face with Raoul as she opened the lounge door. He gave her a slow top to toe inspection, and to her surprise said, "Quite the quick change artist, aren't you? Cool, very cool. I approve." Her heart missed a beat. He was human after all.

  After tea, the men shut themselves in Raoul's study to continue their discussions. They were still there at seven o'clock when she went in to see if she could get them anything. Raoul looked up. "I'm sorry if we are holding up your dinner plans. We won't be much longer."

  "Don't rush. It's a glorious evening, and I've arranged a barbecue outside. Nothing will spoil, so you don't have to hurry."

  As she left the room, she heard someone remark, "Gee, I wish my wife could handle things so calmly. If there's one extra for dinner, she has hysterics." That comment made Kris' heart flutter. She turned away to hide her blushes as she realized her thoughts about Raoul were taking on a different complexion and she could no longer deny her growing feelings for the man.

  She joined the ladies outside and enjoyed hearing familiar female gossip; even da Costa seemed a little softer in the balmy evening. Soon the men joined them. Things had obviously gone well with business as they seemed jovial and full of bonhomie.

  As she checked the table with the salads, a low accented voice said, "I am sure you could use this." She turned to look straight into Raoul's dark grey eyes. He placed a drink into her hand, his fingers brushing hers. "Now, tell me what PJ has been trying to say." He put his hand on her arm and drew her away from the others. He was usually so curt with her that this sudden softening of manner disturbed her.

  As they chatted, it seemed so easy to talk to him. She glanced back at the group of people around the fire and wondered why Isabella hadn't joined them. Kris smiled in amusement, pleased to see an elderly and obviously enamoured gentleman had nailed her. Being in a casual atmosphere, Kris couldn't believe how close he stood to her. Her entire body tingled. It had been so long since she last felt the low throb of sexual excitement she had almost forgotten how erotic the sensation could be.

  She had thrown herself into the full pleasure of physical experience when she had first made love with her husband, but his inability to control his own responses had left her frustrated and unfulfilled. He had taunted her with this and used it as an excuse to find satisfaction in the less demanding arms of an endless succession of other women. He maintained she was frigid and did not make him feel like a man.

  During the unhappiest time of her marriage, she had met another man who had been attracted to her. Yet, when he'd tried to touch her, she went cold and rigid and she had often wondered if there were not some truth in what her husband had said. She shivered involuntarily as Raoul moved closer with his arm along the railings. Her mind told her body it was lies, all lies. How could he be feeling something, too? He must have sensed her shiver because he suddenly broke the spell by putting his hand on her arm and said, "We had better get back to our guests."

  Isabella immediately called him to join her, and the proprietary manner in which she did it made Kris feel angry. Her head started to ache, and she just wanted the evening to end so that she could go to bed and try to silence her chaotic thoughts.

  PJ and Jump practically knocked Luke down when he arrived the next day. He seemed full of energy, and after lunch -- when everyone felt lethargic and wanted to rest or laze around the pool -- he urged Kris and PJ to go for a walk with him. She knew he was bursting to tell her his news, so kicking off her shoes, she joined him on the lawn. As the child and her dog ran on ahead, he told her how things were progressing.

  "It has been the best thing that could have happened to us, being able to spend time alone together." By the tone in his voice, she guessed they did not simply sit and talk, but that was his business and she was glad that things were working out so well.

  "I haven't met her father yet, but apparently he had a heart-to-heart with her. He accepts the fact that she is no longer a child. All he wants is for her to be happy, but he insisted she must be discreet. He has expressed a wish to see me, and then he has made her promise that she will go away for a while to think things over seriously before she commits herself. We have been seeing each other as often as we can. She knows I want to marry her and I don't think it will be long before she goes into retreat, as she calls it.

  "You phone me the minute you know. I want to be the first to say congratulations." She squeezed his arm as they strolled back across the lawn. She caught sight of Raoul at his study window, watching them, his face expressionless as her eyes met his, and he abruptly turned away.

  He was too sophisticated a man to be downright rude when he spoke to her the next time, but he was pretty close to it. His cool offhand manner made mockery of the easy companionship of the previous evening. She knew distraction wasn't an option, but the rest of the weekend was a strain for her, and she hoped her rather depressed manner didn't show. She was glad when everyone left. When she was alone with PJ and Jump, she was content to watch a children's television program with them. She liked that her mind escaped to a far away place, because there was no one to question her mood.

  By Tuesday, the gloom had passed and she thought again about Lauren's invitation. Perhaps it would be a good idea to meet her friends and get her perspective right once more. She phoned Lauren.

  "Lauren, hi, it's me. I'd love to come for the weekend, but we will have to make a plan about PJ. I think the best thing is if I bring her. It's her birthday and I don't want to leave her alone with the staff yet. She is becoming relaxed and secure; I would hate to spoil th
at at this stage. I expect we can find a sitter for the night of the play. I am confident that she will be fine."

  Lauren was delighted. "I have just the girl, you leave it with me. This is great! You need a life of your own, too, you know. This is going to do you a world of good. Just because you wait on Raoul's business acquaintances doesn't mean you'll meet anyone romantically. The job wasn't meant to turn you into an old maid, you know."

  She felt better after their little chat and when she broke the news to a thrilled PJ, she became excited at their little jaunt.

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  * * *

  Chapter Six

  They left early and arrived at the flat about ten in the morning. On the way, Kris had a sudden idea that she would like to try to break the ice with Raoul. The last weekend he had been there had left her with an uncomfortable feeling. Her own self-confidence was easily upset, and she played endless mind games with herself. Was he angry because of her familiarity with his guests? Was she becoming too involved with PJ for his liking? The theory of her caring for his daughter so closely, like family -- was that presenting difficulties? It would obviously cause a problem if PJ grew attached to her and he wanted to remarry should his wife die. Was she running the place as he expected? He never gave any indication to the contrary, but then he didn't give much praise either. Did he take it all for granted?

  She decided she couldn't live with a knot in her stomach if she was to continue to give her best to the little girl. Job satisfaction is an essential factor in life and certainly wouldn't include being churned up all the time. After all, as Lauren had pointed out, she did have a life expectancy of her own and it wasn't as though she was over the hill at twenty-six.

  She would phone Raoul and tell him they were in town and suggest he might like to do something with PJ. After all, it was her birthday and he idolized his little girl.

  The next day, with a pounding heart, she phoned his office.

  "Mr. Metier is on a call at present. Would you like to hold, or shall I get him to phone you back? I'm sure he won't be long." The cool tones of the secretary made her wonder if she had not been foolish in calling him like this. She decided that she would hold.

  After what seemed an eternity, she was connected to his office. A familiar deep voice spoke. "This is a surprise. How can I help you?" He waited a moment in silence then asked, "Is something wrong?" His reserved tone had changed into a concerned one.

  "I've brought PJ to town for her birthday and I thought you might like to do something with her. Of course, if it's inconvenient she can just call you. It was a spur of the moment thing, I'm afraid; otherwise, I would have mentioned it over the weekend. I haven't said anything to her, so she won't be disappointed if you can't make it."

  The pause before he answered nearly killed her. "Hold just a moment, will you?" A few seconds later, he was back on the line. "I can leave the office in half an hour. What do you do with little girls...the zoo perhaps, and afterwards lunch somewhere?"

  "I'm sure she would love that. I'll get her ready and bring her to the office in half an hour."


  Down went the receiver. She had no clue from the conversation whether she was included or not, and decided to play the whole thing by ear.

  After entering his office, the child hurtled into his arms and he swung her high, giving her a big hug. "How's my birthday girl?"

  "Great! Oh, Daddy, this is a nice surprise!"

  "This is a lovely surprise for me, too. Come on let's go."

  "What time shall I fetch--"

  "Isn't Kris coming?" PJ interrupted anxiously. "She can come too, can't she, Daddy?"

  Grey eyes locked onto Kris' green ones. "Of course, I would like that, too. Unless you are busy...."

  "No, I'm not busy; I would love to come." She trembled inside, embarrassed her attraction for him would show.

  PJ's enthusiasm became infectious, and on such a beautiful day. Perhaps it was because they were not on familiar ground, or more probable was the fact that they were alone, with no distractions of phones or guests. As they strolled along, the reserve started to fall away and they seemed to find the easy companionship they had briefly shared that one evening.

  As they left the zoo, PJ said something that made him laugh; his eyes crinkled and his mouth lost its hardness. His ruffled hair made him look relaxed. Spontaneously, he linked his arm with Kris'.

  "Let's go for lunch," he said. "There is an Italian place in the park nearby, and while we have our wine, PJ can run around feeding squirrels and ducks. You like Italian, don't you?"

  If the Italian clientele -- happily eating and drinking noisily around the gay checked tables -- was anything to go on, it was obviously a popular spot. The waiters bustling about seemed part of the large happy family that owned the place. Judging from the delighted welcome from the owners, Raoul had been there before, but not for a long time.

  Kris listened to their conversation. They asked question after question, agreeing to arrange a table outside on the terrace for them. Who was the lovely lady with the little girl? Surely, he would have told them if he had married again. Moreover, why had it been so long since they'd last seen him? Within a few minutes, they settled at a table on the side of the terrace with a bottle of wine, compliments of the house.

  As they waited for their meal of lasagna with a green salad, they nibbled at salami and crisp rolls. With typical Italian love of children, they fussed over PJ -- especially when they discovered it was her birthday.

  Under the mellowing influence of the good food, washed down with the smooth red wine, Raoul's biting sarcasm and superior cold remoteness faded and he showed another side of himself that had Kris captivated.

  They were finishing their coffee when he pressed her into trying a cup of fiery Strega liquor. "Witches water," he said. Then taking her hand in both of his, he pressed it to his lips. He kept his mouth hard on her hand, his eyes steady on hers. Slowly, he released her hand. "Thank you for today," he murmured. "This was a rather special place my wife and I came to when we wanted to get away from things, be with normal people like these. I came by myself a while back and it wasn't the same."

  She looked at his tousled head and on impulse, raked her fingers through his strong wavy hair.

  The encapsulated moment was shattered, though, when PJ's voice broke into their isolation.

  "Look, look quickly!"

  They separated at once and saw PJ sitting on the grass with two squirrels almost on her lap, and a couple of pigeons strutting imperiously nearby. Kris laughed, stood, and moved closer, not wanting to disturb the little animals as they nibbled the proffered crusts. Raoul paid the bill and returned to her side, slipping his arm around her shoulders. There was a tangible intimacy as they watched PJ with the little animals.

  Minutes later, and with reluctance in his voice, Raoul said, "Sorry PJ, but you must say goodbye to your friends. I'm afraid we have to go." When PJ joined them he kept his arm around Kris' shoulders as they strolled towards the car.

  "I'll drop you off at your flat. How do I get there?" He opened the door and helped her in. PJ scrambled into the back.

  "My goodness, how time has flown. Thank you, Raoul, I have enjoyed myself. I hope you haven't missed too much at the office."

  He smiled at her, pressed the accelerator, and nosed the sleek motorcar into the traffic.

  Kris felt awkward standing on the pavement outside her flat. She sensed that he didn't want to go, so she gave her keys to PJ. "Open the flat for me, kitten. Would you like to come in?" she asked shyly.

  "That would be nice. There is no point in going back to the office now. Actually, I would love a cup of tea, if you can manage it."

  "That's easy. I do have something stronger, if you prefer."

  They reached her door and his hand brushed hers as he reached for the knob. She could have bitten her tongue the moment she uttered her next words. "Run along and bathe, PJ. Don't forget, we are going to Lauren's in a bit." Was her exc
itement at being alone with him that obvious?

  He followed her into the small kitchen and leaned nonchalantly against one of the units while she filled the kettle. She was conscious of the fact that he stared at her entire time, but she didn't trust herself to meet his eyes.

  As she turned away and lifted her arms to take down the cups from a high shelf, she gasped involuntarily as she felt his strong arms slide low onto her hips. She swayed back against him as his lips found the nape of her neck, arching her head forward as his mouth moved with soft nibbling kisses. A hand strayed to her blouse and fumbled with a button, and then he turned her around.

  He forced her against him with one hand, and let the other rest against the soft skin of her breasts. Her flimsy bra hid nothing from his probing finger and thumb. She closed her eyes and parted her lips enough for him to crush his mouth against hers. The sweetness of her soft body stiffened against his, making him shiver with desire. He wanted contact with her from her mouth and breasts, down to the length of her feminine thighs as she pressed against his firm muscled body. Her hands pushing on his taut buttocks only made the two of them strain their bodies even closer together.