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- Beryl Trebble
LOVE STORM Read online
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On impulse, she picked up the phone by the bedside. Although an answering service picked up, hearing Lauren's cheery message made her feel better. She hated those machines. "Hi, it's me. Just a quick call to say things are going okay. The house is fabulous, PJ is a sweetie and Raoul's girlfriend is a sourpuss. Thanks for making me buy the green dress. I have it on and am about to go downstairs. Better go...and wish me luck. Bye."
PJ was in bed when she opened the door. "Goodnight, PJ." Kris put her arms around the child and gave her a hug. "See you in the morning. You have lots to show me tomorrow, and I'm looking forward to that boat ride with you."
"I've got a green shirt like that one. My dad bought it for me. He said he likes the colour. Can't you stay and read me a story?"
"Not tonight, my friend. It's getting late and I have to go downstairs. But we'll read one together tomorrow night. You can pick the book. 'Night."
Her entrance into the lounge created an unexpected impact. Philippe jumped up. "Please, take this seat, senora."
"What can I get you to drink?" Luke beamed at her from the bar.
Isabella, impeccably dressed in a black shirtwaister, hardly acknowledged her presence. Turning, she went onto the veranda. Raoul had looked her over beforehand. Slowly he took in her appearance from top to toe, causing her to blush like a schoolgirl. He gave her a cocky little grin -- as though he approved -- before following his lady outside.
The evening passed without incident and Kris went to bed knowing without a doubt that she wanted to work, and stay, in this gracious home. Besides, who would protest at the luxurious lifestyle Raoul Metier had offered her?
The fact that she felt uncomfortable in his presence bothered her, though. But as she thought it through, she realised there would be little contact with him on a daily basis. She had no qualms about meeting the exact standards he required for his guests. Or for that matter, her ability to act as hostess on such occasions. Besides, wasn't the main duty of the position to provide a happy, normal life for a lonely little girl? Maybe doing exactly that would remove the brooding, sometimes desolate, look from the cool, grey eyes of her employer.
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Chapter Three
Anticipating that she'd be climbing in and out of the boat, Kris wore jeans, a cotton top and a pair of red canvas slip-ons. She looked forward to the day's events. It was already hot, and from the balcony she could see the mirror reflection off the clear lake, unruffled by any breeze whatsoever. She was going to enjoy herself today, of that she was sure.
Going down for breakfast, she met PJ in the passage.
"Hi, sleep well? We must keep Luke to his promise about the boat, mustn't we? See, I'm dressed for it already."
"I'll see him when I've had breakfast."
"You aren't eating with us?"
"No, Mrs. Cree says when there are people here I must keep out of the way, in case Daddy's friends don't like children."
"Well, that doesn't apply to these friends. Come on, I'll pop in to see Mrs. Cree and make it right for you."
Taking the child's hand, they found the old woman in the kitchen. "I don't think that Isabella will be too thrilled," she said. "Once before she asked me to keep PJ out of the way at mealtimes."
"I can understand dinner parties, but this is breakfast for heaven's sake. Oh, ignore her! Let's go, PJ."
Isabella and Fran were already in the dining room inspecting the dishes on the hot trays. "Hello, you two," called Fran who wore mini shorts. "I don't usually eat breakfast, but this is too good to pass up."
Isabella looked almost too contrived in tailored safari gear. She acknowledged Kris with a trite, "Good morning," then turning to the little girl. "Hadn't you better run along and have breakfast with Mrs. Cree, PJ?"
The child looked nervously at Kris who spoke firmly. "No. I've cleared it with Mrs. Cree. She's eating breakfast with me today. Anyway, what's wrong with her being here? She's not a baby, and I am sure you have good manners, don't you, PJ?"
The two women eyed each other for a moment. "I am sure Raoul won't approve of the child always being present. Surely you should clear this sort of thing with him first?"
"Isabella, this is her home, and I understood that is what he wants for his daughter, a home, not some Victorian institution where she has to be hidden as soon as guests arrive. Don't you think I know there is a time and place for her to be present? As far as I am concerned, this is one of them."
Kris turned to the laden trays. "Now, PJ, tell me what your favourites are and I'll help you." She would have given anything to stay staring at the furious da Costa, but was content to hear the sharp hiss of her breath then the rattle of a coffee cup as she turned and sulked out of the dining room.
Fran tried hard to stop laughing aloud and gave Kris her approval by giving her two thumbs up and a wink as they sat down together. Luke and the other men walked in from the garden.
"Your water chariot will be all warmed up and waiting. Raoul is really gunning it out there." Turning to Kris he explained, "He goes out alone every morning, and I think the accelerated speed gets rid of his frustrations, or something. Hello, princess, nice to see you," he said, ruffling PJ's hair.
During the rest of the weekend Isabella either stayed in the house or on the veranda, keeping Raoul by her side most of the time. Kris wondered whether she had reported their little spat, but he gave her no indication that anything had happened. The other guests seemed happy enough having the little girl around, and certainly no one could have complained about her behaviour. Kris was positive that it had to do with her restricted upbringing, which resulted in a maturity beyond her years. It was sad, Kris reflected, but at least her father had realised this before it became serious.
They used the boat to go across the lake and then climbed the hills beyond. Puffing, they threw themselves onto the grassy crest, wondering at the beauty of the mosaic of the landscape that draped around them. They ran shrieking into the icy water to swim, and splashed about with PJ as though they were kids again. Even the entwined lovers unwrapped themselves and joined in.
During a reflective moment, Kris had to remind herself she was not there to have a good time, she was not a proper guest; she was only an employee. She knew she must speak to Raoul and discuss her return, and any plans he'd made for the following weekend. Generally, she wanted to sort out the finer details of what he expected of her. If need be, she would have to ask Isabella to leave them alone -- she didn't really feel like discussing things with her around. At the same time she had no wish to antagonize the fiery da Costa.
Putting off the moment, she went to pack a few things; the rest she would leave behind. As she closed the door, she sensed that someone had come in behind her. Turning, the child's dark eyes looked straight through her, solemn, and rather pathetic, the old-fashioned dress adding to the little-girl-lost look.
"You are coming back, aren't you? I really want you to." She was near tears.
Kris, not bearing to see her cry, held out her arms and gathered the little girl close.
"Hey, I've got a great idea. How about you come with me now? I have to fix up my flat and pack my things, and I could use some help. We can go to the zoo or something exciting, and I would just love to go shopping with you, get you some jeans and t-shirts, things to knock around in without worrying about getting them spoilt. We can come back when we are ready so it doesn't have to be Thursday. If you would like that I'll ask your dad." Brown arms wound eagerly round her neck.
"Oh, do you think he would let me?"
"I don't see why not. Now, you run along and see Mrs. Cree, and I'll find you just as soon as I've spoken to him." She laughed to herself. Raoul certainly did not suit the name of Dad or Daddy, his total masculinity and aloofness making a mockery of the pipe and slipper warmth of fatherhood.
"I'm sorry to interrupt, but I would like to speak to you alone." She looked at Raoul in order to avoid Isabell
a's disgruntled face.
For a moment, he hesitated. "Very well, let's go to my study." As he opened the door for her to go before him he said, sardonically, "What is so private, Mrs. Castell, er, Kris?"
He adopted his usual pose of casually leaning against his large leather topped desk. Once again, she sensed the nearness of his virile body and felt a sense of dizziness as he looked deep into her eyes. "Well?" He was becoming impatient.
Her irritated, dry throat made her sound like a schoolgirl again. She felt ridiculous. "I have a few things I'd like to discuss with you. That is, if you still want me to take up the position you offered me--"
"I had already made up my mind, if you remember." He almost smiled. "You were the one who said it was up to you to decide after the weekend, and only if PJ approved. Well, that isn't a problem, so the ball is now in your court."
She blushed. "Your daughter's a dear little thing, and yes, I would like to stay on because I am sure I can make a difference in her life. What we do need to discuss is the format for your weekend visits. Do I talk with you, or is there a secretary I must speak to who takes your calls? You are a busy man, and I thought now was as good a time as any to talk about things."
Gaining confidence, she continued. "Initially I feel I must deal directly with you because there is a lot to take into account if I am to run things successfully. I need to know such things as your taste in food, and I am sure you have a good idea what your friends like and dislike -- anyone with an allergy to seafood, for instance?"
She realized the conversation bored him, but knew that she had to persistent. "As hostess I need to know the sleeping arrangements of your guests. I certainly don't want to embarrass them, or myself."
"Do we really have to go into all this at the moment? I'm pretty busy, and I'm sure you can cope with all of these details."
It irritated her that he was not prepared to spend a few minutes talking to her; after all, it would save him interruptions later. "The buying arrangements...do you deal through wholesalers, or must I buy locally? All these things are important for me to know, Mr. Metier. If you don't want to discuss them with me, I could phone your secretary later and arrange to meet you in your office during the week. Perhaps that would be better."
She sighed in exasperation. "However, I also want to ask you if it would be all right for me to take PJ back with us?"
That caught his attention, and suddenly she found him listening to her intently. "With your permission, I would like to get her some more modern clothes. With all due respect to Mrs. Cree, don't you think she looks a bit too old-fashioned? Obviously she will stay with me while I sort out my flat. I'll take good care of her and give her a good time. I'm sure it will help us to really get to know each other, too."
His accented voice was soft as he spoke. "How thoughtful of you to think of something like this. Of course, it is okay." He opened a desk drawer. "I'll give you a cheque to go with you. If you need more, just shout. This is exactly what I wanted for her, someone who would give her a normal upbringing, and not make her old before her time." He fingered a frame surrounding a photo of a laughing dark-haired girl. "Her mother would approve," he murmured.
Quick as a flash his manner changed. "Mrs. Castell, I don't have my diary with me. It would be better if we discussed things in the office. Speak to Mrs. Carr -- whatever she can't help you with, I can probably fill in for you. In addition, bring PJ with you when you come. Will that be all?" However, before she could reply, he was already opening the door. "I must get back to my guests, if you don't mind."
She walked out before him, and hastened off to find one excited little girl.
"Won't you come in?" Kris asked Luke as they arrived at her flat.
"I'd love to, but I'm going to have to go to the office. There's an important meeting tomorrow and I haven't gathered all my facts together. I'm supposed to be the main speaker. I'll call you, though, and set up a time. Your offer of using it as a hideaway for Marie Louise and me is most tempting." He turned to PJ. "Go to bed and sleep, young lady." He picked her up and gave her a big hug as he swung her around. "You talked the hind leg off a donkey in the car, and you have a big day tomorrow. I'm sure you are going to have lots of fun." He swung his eyes back over to Kris. "Bye, Kris. Don't forget, if you need anything give me a call."
Kris could hardly wait until she tucked the little girl safely in bed so she could phone Lauren. She filled her friend in with the details of the weekend, but Lauren's reaction startled her.
"Darling, watch yourself," Lauren said with a guarded tone. "You're treading on very delicate ground, Portuguese ground. If you aren't careful, you'll have Metier jumping to Isabella's defense. I know you're confused, but I hear the signs in your voice -- you don't like the woman and it brings out your fighting spirit. Take care, my friend, or you'll be badly beaten. She wields a mighty powerful stick."
"There you go, don't argue," Lauren continued relentlessly. "Raoul can have anyone he likes to play with, but a merger of da Costa and Metier would have one of the biggest impacts on the commercial world since nylon stockings. He certainly doesn't want to upset her at this stage of the game as he's put a lot of thought into the goings on. She's certainly made it quite clear that she can't wait for Anne Metier to die so she can get her claws into him, even if she has to use her company to do it. She's a brittle bitch, but he's been with her for a while, so she must be able to satisfy something in him. Sooo...I say again, think before you go off at a tangent and antagonize her."
"Don't put me off," Kris pleaded. "I'll probably not last long anyway; I don't think he even likes me because he's condescending and sarcastic when he speaks to me. I'm certainly most uncomfortable in his presence, blushing and coughing like a stupid teenager, and it makes me mad. PJ likes me, though; I think that's the only reason he's keeping me on. I'm only hoping he leaves me to do my job and doesn't interfere. When he comes home for weekends his presence will be diluted by the other guests."
Lauren said, "This job is tailor made for you. You'll get over being intimidated by the man before long. All I'm saying is, tread carefully with da Costa. Now, what are the plans for tomorrow? This is exciting, and I'll definitely come with you. First we shop for you and get to spend Raoul's money. This is a first for me; I have never bought clothes for a kid before."
The next day they had a wonderful time. PJ's eyes were wide with amazement over everything, and she just loved the clothes they bought for her.
"Can we go and see Daddy now?" she asked, jumping up and down in a pair of red sneakers, jeans and a Mickey Mouse T-shirt.
"Actually, I need to go and see him, too. We'll call his office when we go and have a cup of coffee."
"Lauren, would you mind keeping PJ with you once she has seen Raoul? I must get a whole lot of things sorted out with him."
Mrs. Carr informed Kris that Raoul would see them for five minutes. She was told that she was lucky she'd caught him, because he was about to fly out of the country for a couple of days on business.
"My, just look at you," he said as PJ rushed into his arms. "It looks as though you are teaching my daughter the art of shopping." He was almost jovial as he surveyed the clothing PJ was spreading around his office.
"Listen, sweetheart, I'm sorry I can't look properly. I'm late as it is. But I promise I will over the weekend. It would have been nice to take you out to lunch looking smart, but we will do it another time. Now, Mrs. Castell--"
"Daddy, she's Kris. Why do you keep forgetting she's my friend?"
His daughter's comment took him by surprise and for a moment he looked at her thoughtfully before saying, "How rude of me, Kitten." He turned back to Kris and his emphasis on her name was very marked.
"Kris, I have spoken with Mrs. Carr. She has made a schedule of weekend arrangements for you. I tried to remember the things you spoke about over the weekend, plus she has a list of most of your requirements. It's a working weekend
this time, so it is formal and straightforward. I am sure you will manage admirably. Now, I really must say goodbye."
He bent down to his daughter. "You be good, do you hear? I've given Kris permission to tan your hide if you aren't. She's going to give me a written report each week," he said, teasing.
"Oh, Daddy, you haven't." She flung her arms around his neck and it pleased Kris to see that her father and his often-abrupt manner did not overawe her.
On Tuesday Luke phoned, and Kris invited him over to see her flat.
"This is beautiful," he said, wandering around with a glass of wine in his hand. "You did it yourself? Not Lauren?"
"No, I can't afford for her to do it," she laughed, keeping her wealth a secret. "Besides, it's my home, not a showpiece, and all the things I have here mean something to me, even if they don't go with the decor. I expect it will be a bit of a revelation for your girlfriend. I don't suppose she's used to places like this. Anyway, if it will do, you are welcome to use it whenever you like." She dangled a set of keys in front of him. "One doesn't play matchmaker to people like Marie Louise every day! Having the press hound you constantly must be awful. I will catch up on your progress if you come on a weekend. You'd better wish me luck. I must confess, I'm intimidated by your cousin."