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  "Oh, come on, you can always use tailored slacks and sweaters. Even though the green dress can go anywhere, and it's gorgeous with your red hair, I think we must find you something special for Saturday night; I'm sure they will dress up a bit."

  As Lauren spoke, they both stopped dead in their tracks beside an exclusive Chelsea Boutique that had a simple white garment in the window, stunningly set against black velvet. Naturally it had no price tag.

  "No, Lauren, I'm not going in there." Kris anticipated her friend's next move.

  "Be a devil, you've nothing to lose, and that dress is crying out for you to try it on. Just walk in as though you own the place, and if you don't like it, we'll leave," she said, opening the door to the elegant little shop.

  With superb salesmanship, and without divulging the price, the Manageress had Kris out of her own clothes and into the designer model. The effect was stunning and Lauren said, "Here, let me do something." She pulled the pins out of the heavy knot of hair at the base of Kris' neck and let the auburn mane fall free. "Wow, that should rock them in the aisles! Don't even hesitate...hold your breath, tell the lady you will take it and then ask for the price."

  They all laughed as Kris slowly turned in front of the mirror. A heavy silk fringe swung from the low scoop neck, held on by diamond shoulder straps. Only an expert could design such a soft unstructured bodice that shaped her breasts into such enticing fullness. The crystalline white material draped softly over her hips. The skirt, slashed to the thigh and covered in heavy fringe, shimmered sensuously as she moved. Surely she would gather provocative glimpses from nearby men.

  "You have to take it." Lauren tilted her head to one side. "It will be your piece-de-resistance, but you will have to keep it until the time is right." She turned to the sales clerk. "Take no arguments from her, she's taking it, but I think you had better show us something a little less startling. It's my friends' first date," she added mischievously.

  "I have just the thing." The woman beamed conspiratorially as she disappeared behind some screens to return with a black velvet jumpsuit. "You can dress this up or down."

  Kris emerged from the change-booth and Lauren exclaimed, "You are one hell of a clothes horse. It looks stunning. It's ideal because it's understated, yet classy." She smiled at the sales clerk. "She'll take that one, too."

  Kris opened her mouth to speak, but Lauren cut her off.

  "Don't argue, my dear. You can pay yourself back out of your first cheque. After that you can go to town on Raoul's account."

  With the bill paid, the girls left the shop. The heavy parcels were almost worth their weight in gold.

  Kris breathed a happy, though weary sigh. "I'm exhausted. I just want to kick off my shoes and have a cup of tea. Let's head home rather than go to a coffee shop."

  Lauren nodded and they headed on their way. "What a successful day we've had; it's not often I can spend all day and not find a thing I want. It must be your bad influence."

  Lauren laughed. "My pleasure." "I've certainly spent more than I would if I were on my own. But I'd have dithered about and gotten nowhere. I'm delighted with everything. Thank you for coming, Lauren."

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  * * *

  Chapter Two

  By Friday the butterflies were playing havoc in Kris' stomach as she got into Luke's car, but they soon settled down in the easy atmosphere of his company. During the long journey they struck up a conversation that would lead to a comfortable friendship.

  "I think I ought to have a bit more background about Raoul, and PJ," Kris said. "I don't want to put my foot in it, especially with her."

  "As you know, Raoul and I are cousins, and though there's quite an age gap we are pretty close. He has been very good to me, but since the accident he's changed quite a bit...become hard and has immersed himself in his work. It's as though he built a barrier around himself and he won't let anyone past it. It's been hard for him to come to terms with Anne's situation, and only in the last year has he gone out with another woman. Her name is Isabella da Costa. You'll meet her this weekend. We've known the family for years and she's a Director of their organization, that's how they met. She is more of a socialite than an executive. I think Raoul has become used to having her around. She's very decorative, which suits him. There will be no added pressure on their relationship because he can't get married with his wife still alive. She doesn't need his money and she barely tolerates PJ, so she's not itching to have a baby. The fact that he wants his daughter in the country suits her just fine, won't cramp her style."

  "Sounds as though you don't like her?"

  "She's not my type, but to each his own."

  "You wealthy guys can pick and choose, I guess. You have a girlfriend, don't you?"

  "I have a problem." He took his eyes off the road, and looked at her thoughtfully. "I hardly know you, Kris, but you make me feel like I can talk to you, and that my secret won't go any further."

  "Guide's honour, I won't talk," she laughed. "Seriously, if you want to share it, two heads are better than one."

  "I'm in love with Marie Louise de Galzar."

  Kris' eyes opened wide at the name.

  "It's a cloak and dagger affair. She's always surrounded by body guards and red tape, which makes it difficult to court her in a normal manner and really get to know her. We can't be seen in public too often or the reporters will blow it all out of proportion before we really know our feelings."

  "What an awful situation. What on earth do you do?"

  Luke grimaced. "Sometimes, when we are apart, I wonder if I am being stupid trying to persevere with the relationship; our backgrounds are so different. Then when I am with her I know I have to make it work." He gave Kris a boyish smile and said softly, "We are so in love and so comfortable together, I know we will be happy."

  Luke continued as they drove, and at six-thirty, the wide security gates opened to reveal her first glimpse of the gracious stone house that -- if she took the job -- would be considered as home.

  Tension flooded back as she got out of the car and gave Luke a rueful smile. "Don't worry, you'll be fine," he said.

  A few minutes later he gave an elderly woman a delighted hug. "Well, Mrs. Cree, you look younger and more beautiful every time I see you."

  "Get away with you!" She looked towards Kris. "He is such a tease. You must be Mrs. Castell. I'm pleased to meet you. Raoul's on the veranda with his guests, but I am sure you would rather I show you to your room first so that you can freshen up. Come along, dear."

  Kris took in the understated elegance of the hall, the graceful curve of the staircase, and the beautiful paintings and object d'art tastefully placed. She had no problem seeing that it was a home, and not just a stiff example of an interior decorator's talents to show off the owner's treasures. It came as a surprise; Raoul Metier's cool arrogance seemed at odds with his surroundings.

  The little woman prattled on. "Your room is upstairs, and Penny-Jayne's is further along. I thought it best if you were near her. She is such a nice child; I'm sure you will get along wonderfully with her. She needs someone young, like yourself. You must be about the same age as her mother. Poor dear, such a tragedy. They were so full of life. Raoul adored her, now he seems like an old man." She looked at Kris wryly. "He needs a young wholesome woman, you know, not some painted lady whose only concern is herself."

  The housekeeper opened the bedroom door and Kris stepped into a large airy room that was feminine, but not frilly. An archway led to an ample-sized dressing room next to a magnificently appointed bathroom with a sunken bath. Luxuriant ferns and muted colours of blue and green gave the area a welcoming touch. French doors opened onto a small balcony which overlooked a wooded garden that sloped towards a wide-open lake. The hills on the far side of the lake, tinged orange from the last rays of the sun, caused her to smile.

  As Kris was about to apply fresh lipstick she saw the solemn face of a dark haired little girl reflected in the mirror. She smiled, but before she
could speak, Mrs. Cree said, "Ah, there you are, PJ. This is Mrs. Castell."

  "Are you the lady that might be staying with me?" Big brown eyes stared straight at her, trying to sum up the situation.

  "Yes." She turned around slowly. "Will I do?"

  The little girl asked a direct question again. "Do you like children? None of my daddy's other ladies do. It's nice when he comes by himself because he plays with me and I'm allowed to sit in the lounge and watch TV with him. But when they come, they don't want me around."

  Kris knelt down and took the child's hands into hers. There was no decision needed; PJ's soulful eyes had done it for her. "I'd be here to live with you, not simply stay with you. We'll have fun doing things together, and when your dad comes with his friends, I will be arranging things for him and you are going to help me. You and I are going to be friends."

  For the first time, her face lit with a smile. "I'll like that because I haven't got any friends."

  Kris glanced up at Mrs. Cree who answered the unspoken question. "No children live near here, and I can't get about as I used to."

  "Well," said Kris, turning back to Penny-Jayne. "Little girls need someone to play with, so we will have to find some, won't we? Another thing, you must call me Kris, all my friends do. And I will call you PJ as Mrs. Cree does. Now, I must go, and let your dad know that I'm here. Will you show me where to go?"

  PJ looked at Mrs. Cree. "Can I, please?"

  "Yes, dear, but don't be long. Your supper is ready and you know there are a lot of people coming tonight and I'm busy."

  The little girl darted out of the room and Mrs. Cree put her hand on Kris' arm. "Mrs. Castell, she needs someone like you. I hope you meant it when you said you were staying?"

  "PJ decided that for me, so don't worry."

  As Penny-Jayne led the way to the veranda, a little shiver of apprehension chilled Kris, especially when she saw Raoul Metier for the second time.

  Mr. Metier sat a little apart from the other guests, leaning nonchalantly against the railings, in rather the same way he had leaned against the desk in his office. He had one foot crossed over the other and his trousers lay tight against his thighs, hinting at lean hard muscles under the cream cord cloth. His long-sleeved navy shirt, unbuttoned at the neck, emphasized his broad shoulders and slim hips. The glint of a fine gold chain shimmered against the bronze of his skin and the surprisingly dark hairs on his chest. Even though he was smiling, he still looked arrogant and aloof that defied one to come too close. She noticed that his grey eyes did not echo the smile which gave no clue to the real thoughts lying behind them.

  Standing close to him was a woman smoking a cigarette from a long holder. Her other hand, slim with long red fingernails, rested possessively on his arm. She was about thirty-five and bore a startling resemblance to Maria Callas. Her figure was slender, almost boyish, except for small breasts thrusting against the silk of her blouse. She guessed that it was Isabella da Costa.

  As she glanced around quickly, she was not impressed with the sight of a young blonde sitting on a sofa while an elderly man beside her ran podgy fingers up and down her bare legs. Her mind thought back to parties with Tony and she wondered if they were similar. Tony had always assured her that his parties were nothing more than sophisticated individuals looking for smart conversation.

  Relief flooded over her when she saw Luke and another young man listening intently to a swarthy man talking rapidly and waving his hands about, obviously the other da Costa.

  "Hello, PJ." Raoul's face lit up with genuine affection as the little girl danced up to him. "Isn't it your bedtime?"

  "Yes, but Mrs. Cree said I must show Kris to the veranda," she said importantly.

  "Kris?" Isabella swung around as the child reached her father's side. Her eyes registered surprise and then opened wide with hostility when she saw the tall auburn-haired woman in the doorway.

  "Ah, Kris, I'd like you to meet everyone." Luke materialised beside her.

  Thank God for Luke, she thought.

  He took her arm and led her towards the voluptuous blonde-haired woman. "Fran Dix and her fiancĂ©, David Lawley."

  "Please, don't get up," Kris said as he started to rise.

  Luke continued. "And here we have Edward Kelly and Philippe da Costa."

  "Enchanted." The stocky little Portuguese lifted her hand to his lips. "I have heard a lot about you from Luke."

  Raoul nodded slightly as he rose from his seat. "This is Mrs. Castell, everyone." A rather sarcastic heaviness hung in the air in the way he used her surname. "I see you have met my daughter already. Now I'd like you to meet Isabella da Costa."

  "Oh, yes, the new nursemaid, I believe."

  Kris paused before answering; she was ready for such a remark. Looking directly at the dark woman before her, she let a small smile play around her mouth. "Yes, amongst other things."

  Isabella flushed, and turned abruptly away. "Raoul, isn't it time for a drink?"

  Kris spoke quickly to Raoul. "If you don't mind, I would like to stretch my legs a bit. PJ can show me the garden before it gets too dark." She grinned at the child as she wriggled free from her father. "Don't worry. I'll take the blame if Mrs. Cree gets cross."

  The words had barely left her mouth when Philippe said, "Damn good idea! Come on, everyone."

  Isabella shot Kris a venomous look before sulking into the lounge. Pointedly, she said, "You'll stay with me and get me that drink, won't you, Raoul?"

  Kris was surprised at the hard look on Raoul's face and the sarcasm in his voice when he said, "A little fresh air and less drink would do you no harm." Was all not well in paradise?

  The garden was a delight, full of colourful shrubs and gracious trees. Old-fashioned roses scented the air, and the bright colour of a kingfisher flashed by the lily pond. The manicured lawns gave way to informal wildness beneath a belt of firs that led to the sandy edge of the lake.

  "Oh, look, Uncle Luke!" PJ cried, pointing towards a powerful looking boat tied up at the jetty. "You promised you would take me for a ride next time you came. Can we go tomorrow? Can Kris come, too?"

  "Sure, it's a date after breakfast tomorrow." He put his arm affectionately around the little girl. "It will be fun, and of course Kris can come."

  There was an easy friendliness amongst Raoul's guests as they wended their way back to the house. He looked thoughtful as he watched Luke and Kris swinging PJ between them. Walking backwards and gesticulating wildly, Philippe made the whole group laugh.

  "Next time it will be anyone for tennis, I expect," Isabella muttered petulantly at his shoulder.

  "Say goodnight to your father, Penny," Luke said, "then you and Kris had better go and face Mrs. Cree."

  Raoul kissed the child swiftly, and said, "Goodnight, honey." Looking at Kris he said, "Drinks will be in the lounge at seven-thirty, Mrs. Castell." PJ looked from one to the other.

  "Daddy, why don't you call her Kris? She says all her friends do. You are going to be friends too, aren't you?"

  The two adults eyed each other and after a pause the tall man, with a move already familiar, bowed slightly and said, "Of course. By the same token, you must call me Raoul."

  Isabella's voice was icy. "My God, what is this...meeting of Heads of State or something? I'm going to change. Give me a drink to take up to my room, Raoul; this whole thing is ridiculous."


  Kris left PJ with Mrs. Cree and promised to say goodnight to her before she went downstairs.

  Luxuriating in a scented bath, her thoughts went back to Mrs. Cree's words and she wondered if the old woman was referring indirectly to Isabella. She certainly wasn't the friendliest of people, but why such pointed hostility? Wasn't she supposed to be in favour of someone keeping PJ out of her hair? The fact that she never left Raoul's side indicated some depth of intimacy, and Luke was right -- they were certainly a good-looking couple.

  As she pictured the man in her mind's eye, she saw a brooding, arrogant bearing as well as a cold
indifference in his eyes. As she stared at him she could feel the passionate sexuality within him that longed to be unleashed. Maybe that was why Isabella felt so threatened.

  Kris' hands moved over her body and she slowly became aware of her heightened sensitivity. She fingered her hardened nipples and sensed the electric tingles in her thighs. The sensation was pleasant. "For goodness sake, the man isn't even your sort." She chastised herself and quickly stepped out of the bath.

  Kris felt happy with her appearance as she fixed her heavy hair into a loose knot at her neck. Lauren had been correct about the green dress being right for any occasion, and tonight she definitely needed to feel comfortable with her choice of clothing.